#Tuesday, August 10, 2010;
3:40 AM
Ahh , chemistry . The subject everyone hates . Most people fail it . Some don't . Well , my test is this friday and with the HUGE number of classmates being stressed by this subject , I would like to say a few things about it .
First , chemistry is PURELY a subject about
MEMORISING . Yes , it sure is . But what makes it so stressful for so many students ? Well , I think that what makes chem so difficult is the fact that we have to memorise so much stuff . For example , how do we prepare Copper(II) Sulfate ? Well , we have to memorise the solubility table and understand it so we that we are alerted to the fact that it is soluble . Then , we have to know which method is suitable to preparing such salts and we thus have to memorise the three different salt preparations . We still have to know what are the two reagents needed and we thus have to know that they are Copper(II) Oxide and Sulfuric Acid . How do we know that ? We have to memorise which types of reagents are needed . Then , how do we prepare Copper (II) Sulfate , we have to memorise the steps .
So , in general , what I'm trying to say that chem is all about memorising stuff ; and this case they are whole loads of different kind of stuff . So , why is chem still so stressful then if it's just about memorising ? There s a need to understand the concepts behind them . Thats this makes this subject become more difficult to master . (Not that I mastered it) But anyway , this brings us back to the fact that we have to be interested in this subject to grasp the concept of it .
So how do I do it so well ? (Or so they say , I'm not trying to boast or anything here .) It's the exact same way how I excel in maths .-. It's simple , I'm extremely interested in chem . Actually , my classmates and parents would know how I actually barely passed my science this year . But how did I get As this year ?
I was just too amazed with the topics this year and with all the lab practices , I began to understand how beautiful chemistry was and how it was all around us . For example , what really reignited the flame of passion for chemistry was the lab experiment of preparing Copper(II) Sulfate . Want to know the reason ? It's because I love blue and Copper(II) is one of the only ions that can form blue precipitates . And the shade of blue was one that I particularly loved and then i decided to experiment more on the different compounds and even found purple ! I love chem mainly because I love the great diversity of colours and how beautiful they are and with this strong interest in chem , I can easily study everything and the things that I study are therefore always ringing in my head .
#Saturday, August 7, 2010;
5:10 PM
Ahh , my secret to success . Yeah , only for a few subjects , that is , which is Maths .-. Well , let me see . Many people tend to think that I'm a genius and all but actually , I'm just simply loving what I doing .
Okay , put it simply , I do not study the way others do ; which is by studying something they have completely or almost completely no interest in . Fine , you guys may argue that not everyone is like that but I must say that there are some people who are simply just adamant on studying and cramming everything inside their head . However , most people do , which is why I have a different method .
So , what do I do ? Okay , let's see . I love Maths because it gives me a challenge , so I merely find a Sec 3 workbook and find those topics that will be tested and I simply complete those questions that I find difficult . When I'm done , I simply recheck my answers and when I'm REALLY done with all those questions , I make some of my own ! You see , making them your own helps a LOT because you yourself will think what questions teacher will set and by making them yourself, you can understand the concept and method behind answering the question .
Now , where does the fun come in ? By completing these questions, I have some fun because I find them a challenge and I can spend more time thinking , which is what I like about Maths . (Technically speaking , I hate thinking because I'm too lazy .-.) ANYWAYS , just find your own studying method (because everybody has their own) and go study and get good results like imba high A1s to make people think you're a mugger ! And guys , I AM NOT A GENIUS NOR DO I MUG I SIMPLY FIND THAT THERES NOTHING TO STUDY FOR MATHS JUST REQUIRES PRACTICE WHICH IS FUN :D
12:30 AM
I guess this is the time where everyone is posting about their stress from exams and stuff but for me, this is a response to their stress . I have a friend in my class who , is potentially a hardcore mugger . Yes , he is the ideal mugger , who sleeps late in the night studying and completing all his homework but I think, "Hey if he's always busy studying , when does he get to have fun?"
I guess I am a different person from him as he is one who is always studying and just wants to get the best grades in class . However, I have a different thinking from everyone . I have many friends who are serious in everything they do , be it studying , playing or even eating . But I'm just not that kind of person . Hmmm , let's compare me and those muggers kay .
I'm a 14 year old who is always having fun despite homework and tests because I live to play and live to eat , and I have a mindset of always having fun in everything I do. I'm in love with my CCA which everyone knows is Volleyball ~
Muggers tend to be in CCAs which are less stressful , for example the Performing Arts such as School Band or Chinese Orchestra . Now , I am not being biased against those CCAs or whatsoever but what I am saying is that these people tend to have more time to study and they are somewhat more relaxed as their trainings aren't that tiring. As for us from sports CCAs, we have more tiring trainings and by the time we reach home , we'll be tired out from the trainings . Moreover , there are some people like me who live very far from school like at Tampines . I reach home latest at 9 on training days and this really affect my studies as I not only have to cope with homework but also studying for exams . The next day , I also have to wake up at 5 in the morning so I have so little time to do my work .
However , those muggers have a looooooot of time to study for many reasons , but most revolve around the concept that they have more time than we do . For example , my friend has more time to study and always completes all his homework because he has wayyyyy more time than me .
Now , why is it that I'm still not stressed by all the work while they are ? It's simple ; I live by the rule which I want to have fun in everything I do . For example , I am in love with my CCA and I always attend all my trainings simply because I have a lot of fun with everybody there especially my batchmates and I can train myself at the same time . I love studying maths for a simple reason ; because it gives me a challenge and this challenge seems fun to me , hence it being my strongest and favourite subject . I also have a very unique way of studying , which is by far only effective for me I suppose . I simply love studying for the fact that I study by writing down whatever was taught in class .
This may seem kinda normal but I have a different style from others . Oh, would you look at that I've written such a long post why not I continue on another post (:
#Wednesday, June 16, 2010;
8:08 AM
Here is the plot summary, grouped into different Acts and Scenes:
#Saturday, March 20, 2010;
11:27 PM
Interpersonal Response
I interviewed my father about his views on prejudice and discrimination. Here's the transcript :
Me: Dad, how do you feel about prejudice?
Dad: Well, it could be racial prejudice, sexual prejudice and many others. Which are you talking about?
Me: Hm, let's start with racial prejudice then. Let's start small; how do you feel about the racial prejudice in America, regarding the blacks and the whites?
Dad: In my point of view, I think it is an outrage considering the racism among the blacks and whites.
Me: Oh? Why?
Dad: Actually, I myself feel that racism itself is an outrage. I mean, why fight over whose skin colour?
Me: Well, you do have a point.
Dad: I mean, that's ridiculous isn't it?
Me: Yeah true. Well, what do you feel about prejudice in general, like what is your definition of prejudice?
Dad: I think that prejudice is just a prejudgment that has no supported reasons.
Me: Could you elaborate further?
Dad: Prejudice can refer to the prejudgment towards a certain group or individual because of race, gender, social class or any other personal characteristics.
Me: Hm, interesting. So, how do you feel about discrimination, in general? I mean, like how do you define discrimination?
Dad: Well, I feel that discrimination is treatment of a group or individual in a manner against them.
Me: Interesting. So what is your view of it?
Dad: To me, it is around the same as prejudice, except this are actions towards a group. For example, racial discrimination. This is just uncalled for as a certain race believes that the other has undesirable characteristics.
Me: Well, thanks for your time. I have understood what you feel about prejudice and discrimination. Thanks!
#Monday, March 8, 2010;
5:08 AM

So, what does this say about me?
It says that I'm the type of person who works extremely well, and I can infer that I am a team-player. I feel that this is quite true about me, my roles in the class since I was in Primary Four reflect how this is true. For example, back in Primary Four, I was always the one who was joking around with the teacher and during class discussions, I participate actively, even though my Chinese is pathetically lousy. To elaborate, I do not mean to sound arrogant but I feel that I always try my best to participate in class and discussions, so that I do not feel left out. Another example I have is when I was still in Primary Five, I had a principle that I still hold to myself till this day : There is nothing in life that you can accomplish without the help of friends. Fine, maybe some of you readers out there might argue that it is possible to achieve things without help but what I'm trying to imply is that without friends and support, it's almost impossible to complete a task. For example, if there is a task, which requires one to let say research about a particular topic in depth, and the work is due the next day, I highly doubt that it is possible to complete the task independently. Hence the need for teamwork.
The learning profile also states that I am quite music smart. I am not so sure if this is true but I know that one thing is for sure. I do use music to relate to my learning. For example, when I'm trying to memorize a piece of information or maybe even the first few digits of pi, I use a certain kind of rhythm so that I can memorize it easily. Otherwise, when trying to study and not get distracted, I play my music so that I get distracted from the other distraction. This may sound ironic but it actually works for me. Fine, even though I am not talented in the areas of music, but it does not mean I cannot use music to aid in my learning.
In conclusion, I feel that this learning profile reflects a lot about how I learn and how I use different aspects of learning.
#Wednesday, March 3, 2010;
6:15 AM
HI !
After two posts, I decided to make this one a bit more relaxing and informal.
Oh by the way, do you guys know that I'm a natural "crapper"?
In my dictionary, it means someone who can just spout nonsense from his mouth without knowing what he's saying.
Yes, thats me !
Haha, I'm kinda lazy to post something right now.
So why not let me just pop in a few jokes and quotes :D
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
Okay, this is kinda lame but, well it's classic, ain't it? Warning to kids : don't tell this to your parents!
Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers. - Homer Simpson
There's a reason why the guy saying that quote is Homer Simpson.
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'. -Homer Simpson
Man, do I love Homer Simpson. Ironically, I mentioned about perseverance in my previous post. Intelligence is ignorance for Homer, I guess.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
Well, this is my last epic quote of the day. I suddenly realise what teachers have always been trying to tell us.
because i know that you are
the one i'm looking for;